Rewindwild Cover Image.png


by Jack McNeill

A hopeful rewilding

Inspired by the pioneering soundscape ecologist Bernie Krause who explores the impacts of soundscapes on ecosystems, Rewindwild is a personal exploration into the sounds revealed by lockdown and how we might listen and respond to ‘noise’ returning to the Lake District. In a hopeful rewilding of instrumental and found sound projected into a future Lake District landscape, I wanted to explore the environmental and ecological benefits of returning swathes of our countryside back to nature.

Rewindwild plays out as a quarried cathedral of audio leaving space for the listener to be transported to the intricate, wild, tranquil and vast Lakes-spaces they know, imagine and negate by their ordinary presence.

Rewindwild was commissioned as part of Aerial 2020.


released October 2, 2020
written, recorded and produced by Jack McNeill
mixed and mastered by Calum Malcolm

all rights reserved

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